This Topic demonstrates that a two-dimensional figure is similar to another if the second can be obtained from a dilation followed by congruence. Knowledge of basic rigid motions is reinforced throughout the module, specifically when students describe the sequence that exhibits a similarity between two given figures.
Previously, students used vectors to describe the translation of the plane. Module 3 begins in the same way, but once figures are bound to the coordinate plane, students describe translations in terms of units left or right and units up or down. When figures on the coordinate plane are rotated, the center of rotation is the origin of the graph. In most cases, students describe the rotation as having center 𝑂 and degree 𝑑 unless the rotation can be easily identified (e.g., a rotation of 90° or 180°). Reflections remain reflections across a line, but when possible, students should identify the line of reflection as the 𝑥-axis or 𝑦-axis
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