In this second unit of module 1, students will delve deeply into mythology: its purpose, elements, and themes that align with themes in The Lightning Thief. While they continue to read The Lightning Thief independently, students will closely read multiple myths. In the first half of the unit, they will use the informational text “Key Elements of Mythology” to better understand the elements and themes of the myths they read.
In their mid-unit assessment, students will read the myth of Prometheus and write an analytical mini-essay identifying the elements of mythology present in the myth, describing a theme of the myth, and explaining how key details contribute to the theme. In the second half of the unit, students will read, think, talk, and write the myths alluded to in The Lightning Thief. They will determine the themes of myths and how the themes align with themes in the novel.. As students build toward writing a literary analysis, the teacher will model writing skills using the myth of . Students practice these skills using myths they are reading in small, expert groups. For their end of unit assessment, students will write a literary analysis summarizing the myth of “Cronus,” identifying a common theme between the myth of “Cronus” and The Lightning Thief, and explaining why the author chose to include this myth in the novel.
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